
Low rank representation and its applications


【讲座题目】 Low rank representation and its applications

【讲座时间】 2017年7月3日 (周一)上午:9:00-11:00

【讲座地点】 保定校区教十楼A612

【主 讲 人】 Yonghuai Liu,副教授、英国亚伯大学


    Yonghuai Liu,博士,IEEE高级会员,在图像处理、计算机视觉、机器人路径规划、智能信息处理、进化计算等领域颇有建树,是《Neurocomputing》、《Pattern Recognition Letters: an international journal》、《American Journal of Educational Research》等国际知名刊物的副主编和编委,同时也是2014、2015 IEEE Interntional Conference on Robotics and Automation国际会议的副主席。迄今为止,在德国斯普林格(Springer-Verlag)等出版社出版著作4部,公开发表高水平学术论文140余篇,主持英国和国际合作科技项目10余项,其成果成功应用于工业检测、工业机器人等行业。


    Low rank representation is a powerful tool for the formulation and optimization of various problems in the real world such as principal component analysis, data compression, and feature extraction. In this talk, I will firstly discuss the motivation of the low rank representation, then discuss its formulations, derivations and solutions.  Finally, I will show various applications of such techniques for data reconstruction, image decomposition, image denoising, and image enhancement. Interestingly enough, such techniques not just have elegant solutions, but also some theoretical guarantees. 

                                                                                       科学技术处  计算机系
                                                                                         二〇一七 年 六月二十九日

